Geological Field Experiences
Sitakund Anticline, Chittagong, Bangladesh
This field focuses on the Sitakund Hill Range and its adjoining areas which are geologically characterized by a series of parallel ranges of hills trending NNW-SSE. and investigated by the students of 1st year, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Barishal.
This report deals with the study of the Sitakund Hill Range between the Labanakhya Chara section and the Barabkund section. The Sitakund Hill Range envelopes the North-Western hilly region of Chittagong. The Sitakund structure is a doubly plunging, box-like, asymmetric anticline that is about 68km long and 12km wide. The axis of the anticline runs parallel to the hill range, which is in the NNW-SSE direction. This anticline is characterized by a monoclonal flexure and reverses fault in its eastern and steeper western flank respectively. The western flank has been affected by a major fault which is indicated not only by the abrupt change of the topography but also form some major irregularities. The area consists mainly of sedimentary rocks of upper tertiary (Miocene), although no definite edge could be even due to the absence of fossil evidence.
Kaptai Rangamati Road-cut section, Rangamati, Bangladesh
This field deals with the area which is geologically characterized by a series of parallel ranges of hills trending NNW-SSE. and investigated by the students of 2nd year, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Barishal.
The Sitapahar Anticline and its adjacent areas are an asymmetrical fold with a steeper western flank and a gentler eastern flank with a series of parallel ranges of hills trending NNW-SSE. They are extensional expressions of the Indo-Burman Folded Belt of Bengal foredeep by compressional forces during the Mio-Pliocene. It deals with physiography, geomorphology, structure-stratigraphy, petrography, its interpretation, correlation with standard geologic succession, and economic geology.
Jaintiaput-Tamabil-Jaflong Section, Sylhet, Bangladesh
This field aims at geologically characterizing the area as an outer reflection of a monocline that trends nearly E-W, which is investigated by the students of 3rd year, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Barishal. It deals with the physiography, geomorphology, structure, stratigraphy, petrography and its interpretation, correlation with standard geologic succession, economic geology of Janitiapur-Tamabil, Sylhet, Northeastern Bangladesh, along with the facies analysis and interpretation of paleo-environment of depositional history.
Teknaf and Saint Martin's Island, Bangladesh
This field mainly emphasizes on structural-tectonics, petroleum geological investigation, geophysical mapping, and hydrogeological modeling which is investigated by the students in 4th year, Department of Geology and Mining, University of Barishal.